July 21, 2007

Go and make a Nicksplat account!

How to make nicksplat account:

1. Go to where the bar said "Sign up"
2. Enter username, password and e-mail
3. Enter address
4. Choose characters

Ena's nicksplat username: Ekatarina

See ya!

July 7, 2007

Saying: Rich LAdy #2

"Oh what a beautiful dress! I'm so jealous."

I knew this dress is a knock out!

Saying: Rich Lady #1

"Oh my, I must get my make-up done!"

June 26, 2007

Meggie's here

Hey, Meg waz here on June 27, 2007. I know why ppl dont like the Bee Gees. idk why Ena likes it....I think u ppl should listen to...the fray, aly & aj, huey, the black eyed peas, and other modern singers.

Singing off!

Meg :P

June 25, 2007

I LOVE BEE GEES (i can't help it)

Hi guys!!! This is Ena. I can't help it but....

I LOVE BEE GEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't help it.. I have to spit it out!

I really love them.. even though its still an old band.... I don't get people why they hate Bee Gees... their awesome! I'm listening to their music right now called, "More Than A Woman". Its so cool! But you know whats weird? I don't really like the music now a days... I don't get them... I guess because they are not simple enough, or nice enough....... oh well

Singing Off

Ena Que

June 23, 2007

The Red Eye Story

Are you ready for a scary story? Well, put your blanket on and get ready to scream.

Once upon a time, there is a truck driver who ran out of gas and needs to stay overnight in a hotel. The truck driver went inside the hotel and went to the front desk. "Do you have any rooms available?" asked the truck driver. "Yes," said the innkeeper. "Room numbers 9 and 10.Which one will you choose?" The truck driver's bad luck number is 9, so he chose room number 10 instead. "Oh, before you leave to your room, I want to warn you about something.... a person who lives next door from your room plays funeral music. Anyways, enjoy!" When the truck driver reaches to his room, he started to wonder why the person next door loves to play funeral music. Later that night, the truck driver woke up by a sudden screeching noise of funeral music. The t ruck driver decided to go down and take a look through the peek whole next door. But when he peeked through the hole, all he sees is red. Why red? he thought. But then he went back to his room and went back to sleep. The next day, he packed his things and went to the front counter and said,"Last night I went next door and peeked through the peek hole.... and all of a sudden all I see is red! Why's that?" "Look, don't tell this to anyone," says the innkeeper. "My wife stays there and she died two years ago."

The End

By Ena Que
heard by Rylee Smith (a friend of Ena)

The Sleep Over

Today, the three girlz went to Riana's house to have a sleep over! We have so much fun! We ate icecream (the girls' favorite dessert), went swimming, played the Nintendo DS Lite and more!
We stayed up to 1 am, but our best record was we stayed up till 5 am! Can you and your friends beat that record? If you can send us what time you stayed up with your friends during the sleepover!

Signing off

Three Girlz